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Garden tools including gardening tools and garden tools

Source:Langfang Yuxin Jingyi Metal Product Co., Ltd Release time:2015-10-23 Click:

Classification in accordance with the use of occasions, garden tools, including gardening tools and garden tools.
        Gardening tools: garden scissors, floral tools (garden flowers with a small set of flowers with).
        Garden scissors main products are Lopper, Hedge Shears (Hedge shears), pruning shears (pruning shears, pruning shears), multi-purpose scissors, picking scissors, scissors cut flowers, grass cutting shears, etc.; flower garden tool kits (garden flowers with a small set of flowers with) include flowers shovel, shovel flowers, flower rake, hoe, flowers fork, etc., there are two specific hoe (two flower hoe), flat hoe, flat rake, hoe spent three teeth, three teeth flowers rake, hoe rake, hoe pick, shovel large flowers, flowers shovel, shovel flower words, the word flower forks, six-tooth harrow and so on.
        Garden equipment are: lawn trimmers, brush mowers, hedge trimmers, chain saws, pumps, drilling machines, drafting Paper Machine, fight drugs and sections of garden tools.
        With the development of the country in recent years of urban construction, urban greening has become a big industry, routine maintenance will rely on these tools. We daily see mostly gasoline-powered garden tools such as lawn mowers, hedge trimmers, grass trimmer, trimmer, brush cutter and so on.


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